We’re reopening… with some changes.

With the news of Oklahoma businesses starting to reopen, we have decided to open the coworking office Starting May 4th. However, the virus isn’t gone (in fact, cases in Oklahoma have started trending back up in the past week). We must keep this in mind, care for one another's health, and be respectful of each other for the foreseeable future. In order for us to open as safely as possible, we will be making the following temporary changes in the coworking space. 

  • The Main Coworking space door will remain open throughout the work day to limit the amount of touching shared objects. 
  • We suggest that you wear a mask while in the building. We will have a small supply of them for those that do not have access to one. 
  • We have removed one chair from each side of the tables for better social distancing throughout the work day. 
A New table has been added to the space and every other desk has been rotated so that everyone is at least 6 feet away from each other. 
Those that were moved were already notified, so if you didn’t hear anything, you’re in your same spot. 
  • We will not be supplying snacks and drinks to reduce the amount of touching shared surfaces and food. 
The coffee will still be available to those that want it, but we will not run the maker throughout the day. We suggest bringing your coffee with you from your home.
  • The common areas will be wiped down throughout the day. 
  • We have hand sanitizer stations on backorder for the main doors of the building. Please use them once installed. 
  • While our former coworkers are welcome to return, we will be limited new memberships to the following
Permanent Memberships such as the Citizen Teams, Basic Citizen, and Unlimited Citizen Plans will be available. 
We are not accepting new Casual Citizen or Meeting Citizen Plans
  • We will limit the number of people in the main coworking area to 10 people; however there is overflow space if needed. 
Feel free to call ahead for capacity. We’ll keep a live tally at the front door. 
  • We ask our meeting space members to limit using the meeting space until we see our cases declining in Oklahoma.
Please indicate the number of people that are in your meeting when booking meeting time.

As you can tell we are doing everything we can to limit the spread of this virus. Here’s a few things we ask of you: 

  • If you are sick (with anything) or running a fever (even a low-grade fever), stay home until at least 72 hours have passed since you last experienced symptoms. 
  • Please wash your hands as often as you think about it. 
  • If you have access to sanitizing wipes/ hand sanitizer, it is wise to carry them with you. We suggest wiping down your work station at the beginning and end of the work day. 
  • Wipe down conference areas after use. 
  • Please respect your fellow coworkers and do your best to maintain 6-feet of distance between them. Even if you personally don’t think it’s necessary, don’t make them feel uncomfortable. 
  • If you bring your lunch to work with you, it’s best to keep it with you in a cooler rather than in the kitchenette refrigerator, but it will still be made available. 

Things will be different for a little while, but we will return to normal. As cases decline (or in the worst case increase) in the US, we will notify you when something changes in the space. Please be respectful and kind to one another, and we will get through this together. 

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